The Migration Crisis in the Modern World and the Role of the IOM in the Migration Process
1 International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Spatial mobility of the population is at the center of the sphere of global interest, considering that migration is a constant of every society whose causes can be economic, religious, ethnic or political. Migration has become one of the key global problems of the modern world, and the aim of the paper is to explain their complex economic, social, political and cultural problems and to understand the basic causes and consequences of international migration. In many Western countries, the practice is that the policy must be aimed not only at limiting the number of migrants entering the country, but also at implementing certain security measures. The fight against illegal migration requires an effective policy of return and readmission of illegal migrants. However, the concrete activities undertaken on the issue of migration in South Sudan from 2013 to 2015 illustrate the commitment to solving the complex challenges of migration in crisis environments, especially by IOM, which should serve as a good example to all other organizations globally.
Keywords: Migration, Globalization, Crisis, IOM, South Sudan
Sojkić S. (2024). The Migration Crisis in the Modern World and the Role of the IOM in the Migration Process, MAP Social Sciences, 5, 102-110. doi: